Our Services

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Prenatal counseling involves providing pregnant women with information, education, and support to help them navigate the various aspects of pregnancy. This may include discussing the importance of prenatal care visits, providing guidance on healthy lifestyle choices such as nutrition and exercise, addressing any concerns or questions the woman may have about pregnancy and childbirth, and discussing potential pregnancy risks and complications.

Prenatal health checkups are essential for monitoring the progress of the pregnancy and ensuring the well-being of both the mother and the baby. These checkups typically include regular visits to healthcare providers, such as doctors or midwives, for physical examinations, prenatal screenings, and monitoring of fetal growth and development. Health professionals may also provide advice and guidance on managing any pregnancy-related symptoms or discomforts.

Nutritional support involves providing pregnant women with guidance on maintaining a healthy and balanced diet throughout pregnancy. This may include information on foods rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, and folic acid, as well as advice on managing food cravings, aversions, and nausea. Nutritional support aims to ensure that pregnant women receive adequate nutrition to support their own health and the healthy development of their baby.

Antenatal classes, also known as childbirth education classes, are educational sessions designed to prepare pregnant women and their partners for childbirth and parenthood. These classes typically cover a wide range of topics, including stages of labor, pain management techniques, breastfeeding basics, newborn care, and postpartum recovery. Antenatal classes provide expectant parents with valuable knowledge and skills to help them feel more confident and prepared for the childbirth experience.

Pregnancy can bring about a range of emotional and psychological challenges for women, including anxiety, depression, stress, and body image issues. Psychological support involves providing counseling, therapy, or mental health services to pregnant women to address these challenges and promote emotional well-being. This may include individual counseling sessions, support groups, or referrals to mental health professionals for specialized care.

Some pregnant women may require specialized medical care or treatment for pregnancy-related complications. Medical referrals involve facilitating access to obstetricians, gynecologists, perinatologists, or other healthcare specialists who can provide the necessary medical interventions or interventions. This ensures that pregnant women receive appropriate care and support to address any health concerns or complications that may arise during pregnancy.

Famata Dunoh

Registered Nurse

Family planning education involves providing information, counseling, and support to help women make informed decisions about contraception and family planning. This may include discussing different contraceptive methods, their effectiveness, benefits, and potential side effects, as well as addressing any questions or concerns the woman may have about family planning. Family planning education empowers women to take control of their reproductive health and make choices that are right for them and their families.

Featured Services

Other Special Services

Postpartum Support:

providing care and assistance

Community Outreach

Raising Awareness

Material Assistance

providing essential items

Advocacy and Policy Work

Advocacy and policy

Childbirth Preparation Classes

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Offer childbirth education classes covering topics such as stages of labor, pain management techniques (including relaxation, breathing, and massage), labor positions, medical interventions, and postpartum care.
  • Birth Plan Development: Assist pregnant women in developing personalized birth plans that outline their preferences for labor and delivery, including preferences for pain relief, birthing environment, and medical interventions.
  • Partner Involvement: Encourage partners and support persons to attend classes to learn how to provide effective support during labor and childbirth.

Through Our Interactive Service

Pregnant Care Charities in Liberia contributes to improving maternal and child health outcomes and supporting the well-being of pregnant women and their families in the community.

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